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Tracking: Flymaster
Here we are for the 17 Chabre Open.
Let's hope for some great flying.
You can watch the tasks live at
Day 0, Practice Task, Saturday June 29. Cancelled
9:30 Safety briefing and ready for the practice day.
Very strange weather forecast. Strong southerly. We woke to greyish milky skies. Most pilots had guessed there would be no flying today. Jocky & Jez presented a most thorough Safety Briefing. Safety is a big issue here in France after a sadly tragic incident a couple of weeks ago. Lots of details on radios, calling levels, trackers, and how to communicate ‘Landed Safe’.
Some pilots were up for practicing with their GPS, and Jocky was encouraging everyone into teams. Chris was checking kit for those who wanted to make sure they had everything ready.
Next up, Jocky is running an SIV refresher talk at 6pm. Then it is happy hour with a local beer from the Chateauneuf de Chabre micro brewery and some snacks.
We may be dancing to the weather gods for a better day tomorrow.
Day 1, Sunday June 30. Task1, Cancelled
Cloudy morning, but the forecast is promising. Westerly breeze, so we’re going up Buc (yippee!). Most pilots are enjoying the short walk up from the landing field. The organisation has a fleet of 4x4s with the gliders. Task setting in preparation!
A frustrating day. The task was set. The window opened. Conditions were not great, but improving. Then we realised there was a major problem with the Flymaster server. Our trackers were not showing. Being a Sunday, it was not easy to reach those who could check out the problem.
With pilot safety being a critical issue for us, and conditions being slow to improve, we had no option but to cancel the task. Some pilots flew to the road for easy retrieve. Some had no option in the weak lift. Free flying was allowed so a large gaggle who did manage to sky out straight-lined it to Camping. A brave few, well 3 actually, flew to the goal at Salignac.
Within an hour and a bit of the task starting, Flymaster corrected their error and our trackers were up and tracking. Too late for the task, but it made retrieve a tad easier. Conditions had improved, and those that managed to stay up seemed to have a lovely fly.
Day 2, Monday July 1 Free Flying
We have a proper Mistral set in today But flying at St Jean Monclar is possible. The chairlift is being opened especially for us. At least 80 pilots have headed off that way for a punt around to see the lake views.
Jocky set a short task for those who wanted to play, in a very small protected area between St. Vincent les Forts and Seyne, landing at St Jean. Some eked out the flying time right to the 5pm land by deadline.
Day 3, Tuesday July 2, Task2
Although still crazy windy at Laragne, the weather at St Jean Monclar is looking good, even better than yesterday. After a detailed debrief on yesterday’s flying and a review of safety procedures, transport timings were announced. Off we go at 10.30.
Everyone is up on the chair lift. The task is set – a compact 32km course down to Seyne and back up to St Vincent before landing back at St Jean Monclar.
Well, the task was not as easy or as simple as it first appeared. Conditions were generally good and the main field launched in good time, and stayed together for the start and the first turnpoint. Pilots began to spread out along the course as they went south and then north again. Then, at one point around the last turnpoint, contrary to the forecast, some high level cloud shaded out the field. The smart pilots diverted to the St Vincent ridge to maintain height in soarable conditions, while some raced for goal but fell short.
20 pilots made goal, Simon Sykes (Ozone Photon) crossed the line first, followed by Giacomo Wilhelm (Ozone Photon) and Tim Chapman (Ozone Photon). Top Woman was Eva Henneman (Ozone Photon) in sixth. Well done.
Back at base, it was time to party at Ribiers with pizza and paella, and the inimitable Henry playing and singing all our favourite songs.
Day 4, Wednesday July 3, Cancelled
Too windy today. Saint Jean Montclar may be flyable but not taskable
Day 5, Thursday July 4, Task3
Everyone went to Saint Jean
A 37km race to goal was set, starting at Montclar, around 6 turnpoints and goal at Saint Jean.
47 pilots made goal, Simon Sykes (Ozone Photon) crossed the line first, followed by Roberto Arias (Niviuk Artik4) and Youri Streefkerk (Ozone Photon). Top Woman was Leontien Kragten (Ozone Rush6) in sixth. Well done everyone.
Day 6, Thursday July 5, Task4
Finally the forecast looks good for a day flying from Chabre.
Everyone on launch and a 76km task is set: A race to goal at Chorges via 5 turnpoints. There are a couple of options for routes to get there. Let's see what happens.
33 pilots made it to goal. First in was Miguel Gutierrez (Ozone Photon) followed six seconds later by Gerard van Rijn (Ozone Delta) and then top woman in third Esther Dielissen (Ozone Photon). Super well done to all.
All of the results are on the results page.
Task reports by Louise Joselyn and Mark Graham